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I know I'm not being paranoid...

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Bbbananas | 13:43 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
.. when I say that no_know has got it in for me :-(


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* splutter *

So that's the answer eh? I'll think on it..... thanks for the advice vibes x
He only wishes, salla.....LOL
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christ that's more than I got Vibra........and with my arthritis it wasn't pleasant...
Hiya Vibes, you and i are stand-bys for salla's affections from her no 1 man...Sqad
in case he droops and splutters........but now we have a fourth rival.............le tw@t :0)

Pistols at dawn will settle
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^^^^ sorry not pistols........stools at dawn.....biggest one laid in the woods wins.....Happy Days :0)

(Thu 12:47 14/Jan/10)
well if i did i was drunk

don't say that ^^^^ Nokno, cause then you'd always appear drunk. lol

(just kidding)
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Ugh yoges - please don't mention stools - I'll be having weird dreams again tonight.
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not cockatoos again?

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I know I'm not being paranoid...

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