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Never mind the music

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123everton | 21:39 Thu 14th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
You have to admire the skills of these dancers.


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You mean to say you can't dance like this? I thought everyone could ;0)
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When he's bouncing on his knees, crikey, I couldn't even bend that low!
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Pretty impressive.... Looks painful though. THink I'll just have another cup of tea and some hob nobs.
Chocolate hob nobs?
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Awwwww.... I'm gonna need a big cup to dunk them :c)
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I watched the whole dance Nokno, I thought it was pretty good if a little wearing on the knees.
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I'd probably pay money to see that.
I'd give ANYTHING to see that.
''I guess you ladies''

Ladies? ;-p
Wanna slap?
Go on then... but I'm not getting down on my knees... they're still a bit stiff from the Russian Dancing...

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Never mind the music

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