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Christmas has gone

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caslass | 00:51 Sat 16th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I am extremely sorry if I upset anyone with my posts. It was a bad time for me. February is again a bad time. I will try to refrain from being a cow.


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Hope you are ok? caslass
Try not to strain something. Like your typing hand. That'd be awful.
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Poodi this is not true. I asked why everyone was having a go at you. Read the last thread
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What does that mean China?
English not your first language?
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Suzie, I am learning to cope. Thankyou.
what about november, ...and february?
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Clearly not China explain?
It means try not to strain yourself being nice. Especially your typing hand as that'd be awful.

Mind you...Typing out the hole you speak from is clearly some sort of talent. So don't strain that either.

Happy to help with my explanation.
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China why are you being so awful?
Karma's a *** but I'm worse?

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Christmas has gone

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