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gingerflaps | 15:45 Fri 22nd Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
13 Answers

do u think its ok to walk around the house in sexy lingerie in the daytime or would u think i was a weirdo? (i'm a 24yr old FEMALE by the way!) i luv wearin it coz it makes me feel sexy and i want to see if my bf head would turn. but i dont want him to think im a weirdo. i have lots of sexy lingerie but never wear it. would u do it for a 1 off, and men what would u think if ur wifes/girlfreinds did it?



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As long as she didn't stand in front of the telly, I'd have no problem with it.
i'd love it!!!

Mr Boo would think it's his birthday!

Of course he'd prefer it if it was Kylie in the lingerie instead of me, but beggers cant be

Go for it Ginger, i'm sure he'd love it :-)

It'd be ok if you were a man too, but remember not to answer the front door.
This thread is useless without pics!!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as she was attractive, I'd have no problem whatsoever with any woman wearing as little clothing as possible. The question does seem slightly rhetorical.

But please tell me that the name "gingerflaps" doesn't refer to what I think it does.

heck, just go for it!  I live with flatmates right now, but I'm moving soon and plan to just wander around in my underwear in the evening when I'm alone and my boyfriend loves it when I do it when we're alone.  if nothing else it shows you're confident about your body adn that's always sexy :)

But please...don't wear high heels with it.  Then you'll just look obvious and silly (in my opinion anyway)

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well what are you refering to andy? i think you've already figured it out!!!    do you know of any other 'flaps' that are 'ginger'?     and yes everyone i am walking around my house in, well, lets just say its not that much!! ;-p 

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sorry morrisonker, ive got my glass 6" stiletoes on, and i'm feeling fabulous and very sexy!
Can I make a decision after you've told us your vital statistics?

I often walk about the house in my lacey underwear, especially with all the hot weather we've been having lately. Can't see a problem with you doing the same gingerflaps.

Also, if I go out into the garden, I wear a bikini to sun bathe in & a sarong to walk about in.Freedom!

You could walk round my flat all day in sexy lingerie,my girlfriend and I would love it. Have fun, if he objects dump the guy.
I can't see a problem with it at all!! Go for it and enjoy!

I'd love to do it all the time, but my teenage sons might find it bit weird/embarrassing to say the least... don't want to give them a heart attack either!

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