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Where's NoKnow

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NoMercy | 20:57 Sat 23rd Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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Went to the pub.....
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ooh NoM....what thread was that on?
Question Author
It was on a Daiquiri thread. Dot was making pineapple ones.

Anyhoo... some unknown poster, probably kn0bby, made a crack about the mozzies and Dot took that to mean he wished death on her. There was no death wish and I told Dot to stop being so dramatic. That was her response.
why has your first answer been removed?
and where is dot's daiquiri thread?
Question Author
Because all evidence of Dot's misdemeanours must be removed....
Question Author
Craft... see above..
I had an answer removed by the Ed on one of nokno's threads.....I was obviously rude about him (as you are) but even he was surprised when it was zapped.....I think the new evening/weekend Ed is a bit trigger happy.......
Question Author
Yes... it's ridiculous really. You wouldn't think we were adults with all the censoring that goes on.
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if this is how it's going to be I don't think I'll bother...........
Question Author
Oooh... who just got removed...?
No idea had been removed when I posted.....probably someone who said "jolly".......
the dot reincarnation
sara why would i need to reincarnate?

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