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One Life

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naomi24 | 22:27 Sun 29th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers

The story of Nicholas Winton, the man responsible for saving 699 children from Nazi invaded Czechoslovakia. Just watched it - with an abundance of tissues at the ready - and necessary.  A really lovely movie.





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I really want to see that.  Where did you watch it?  I cancelled Sky Cinema, but we do have Netflix and Amazon Prime.

I still get teared up when I see the That's Life clip.

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I watched it on Sky.  

blimey Schindler was on this  evg ( 29th) - wasnt winton the one who wouldnt talk about it as he  thought he  should  have saved more?

and thirdly - Varians War WIlliam Hurd 2001 I see, pretty terrible - Hurd portrays him as a buffoon ( well it is a film) and of course buffoons dont achieve this  sort  of thing

Saw this film at the cinema and thought it was wonderful. Definitely needed the tissues.

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