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Have you ever been gazumped?

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mrs.chappie | 22:16 Tue 26th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
It has just happened to me and the estate agent says it's not uncommon and in fact has happened to her too, in the past. I've upped my offer to match the gazumper's (is there such a word?) but I'm gutted about the whole thing. [:o(


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Had it happen 2or 3 times , have moved around a lot. have never increased my offer tho , I don't play games like that. If people want to play dirty they can stick it as far as I,m concerned.But it is not a nice feeling.
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No it's not.
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better increase your offer then tony.....
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Thanks all.

Brenda, I was tempted to tell 'em where to go, but we'd made so many plans about what we're gonna do to the place, kitchen extension, reinstate the open fire, build a utility room etc.

I think gazumping is despicable, but I couldn't face the thought of starting all over again.
It's bloody awful moving house mrs.c...........I lost one I had my heart set on....but like the one I've got now even more...............
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I'm glad it all turned out good for you in the end, craft.

TT, keep trying, you'll get there in the end.

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Have you ever been gazumped?

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