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I have two cats

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caslass | 01:29 Wed 27th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I love them to pieces ( even though I am forever hoovering up their hairs ) I was in the supermaket queue with my weekly shopping which included 14 cans of cat food. the cashier said " Oh you have cats then" no I replied, my husband will eat anything with a pie crust. Really she said I'll try that it's much cheaper than stewing steak. I wonder if she did?


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I like it! :-)
i just got a sympathetic look this morning!
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Bloody hell, checkout staff can't win!

Was only the other day you lot were whinging about miserable staff, and now when a few make lighthearted comments regarding your shopping you still moan.

Fickle gits.
i wasn't moaning

seeing you has juast reminded me i need cake, sod the diet
I didn't mean you McFluffy :-)

And what's a diet?
i reallydon't know, but apparently i shouldn't of had a sausage sarnie this morning

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I have two cats

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