Run Outlook for the first time and select corporate or workgroup settings (you are not going to use it but it sets up outlook services which is easier to administer). Alternatively, if you have run outlook Outlook go to Tools-Options-and reconfigure mail support in the Mail Services tab for corporate or workgroup settings. Now go to mail services (in Outlook go to tools-services or right click the outlook icon and choose properties) Add Internet E-mail OK, name it AOL, put in your name and AOL E-mail address in the General tab, in the servers tab put the pop3/SMTP IP addresses or fqd name in the appropriate boxes (find these from AOL) plus your account name and password. In the connections tab specify how you dial up to the internet (probably using a dial-up connection) and in the Advanced tab you can tick the leave a copy on the server tick box if you collect the mail from different sources. OK your way out then run outlook.