It's been all day! My arm and hand feel strange!! Can't get comfy at all? Feel like I want to shake the feeling off it's really hard to describe it's not painfull just really strange had it in my foot aswell at one point! Couldn't get comfy to sleep coz the foot last night and now it's the palm of my left hand but on the right side of it and especially on the underside of the bend if my arm... Sorry if I don't make sense!! It's really strange!
Since it's your left arm, I suggest that you get down to A & E immediately, if for nothing more to reassure yourself that you're not experiencing the beginning of a heart attack:
Yeah go with the advice, but just to reassure you it could be nothing, some years ago I had a nagging numbess in my arm too, lasted a day or so before I went to hospital about it, and it was just a trapped nerve.
Thanks guys I'll take it on board. At work for another hour go home n have nice wRm
bath and bed an tomorrow I'll do something about it if it's there cuz I'm havn an odd twinge now but again not sore just wierd!! Xx