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Cash in the attic

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tamborine | 11:48 Fri 29th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
People are stupid, allowing tv cameras in their homes to poke around for items to auction.

Are they paid a lot for the broadcast? S'pose am stupid to watch....back to news!


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It`s all a set up, not once have I seen an old portable tv, christmas tree and decs, babys first carry cot, and a box of old records in anyones loft
Maybe they moved all that stuff before the cameras got there. Or were told to.

I've never even seen anyone even go to the attic,

It should be called, How to sell all the crap i've accumulated over the years to a bunch of mugs!
No GraemeC, that`s called Boot Sale Challenge
the people are always minted as well, there never seems to be an attic full of old crap like most people, there are always antiques that are worth something..
lol...the crap stuff is not worthy of TV..

Although I'd prefer to watch that.
The researchers would definately be disappointed if they came to my house .........that's one episode that would never be made :o)
It's all set up beforehand, the majority of these programmes are. I went to the Antiques Roadshow once and was completely upset by the whole thing. Everything is carefully orchestrated.

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Cash in the attic

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