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cardboard coffee

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joggerjayne | 15:18 Mon 01st Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
When you have a coffee at a "pit stop" coffee shop, like Starbucks ...

(as opposed to a leisurely tea room)

... and you are drinking it IN ... do you get a china cup, or a cardboard take away cup ?


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I was at the hospital I had a cardboard cup of tea in a paper cup and it tasted like utter pigswill
You get it in a cup if you're drinking in and cardboard if you're taking away.
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cazzz ... maybe that was the coffee !

China ... I go cardboard either way.
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Cardboard all the way! I tend to keep a few of them in my car afterwards so I can pull up somewhere and have a drink.
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Vibe ... I'm not "posh"

I wasn't asking as a matter of etiquette ...

... I was curious about people's preferences.

I prefer cardboard cups because they are less naughty. If you settle down with a proper cup, it feels indulgent, as if you are having a treat. Coffee in a take away cup is just refuelling.

So anyway ... do they eat mushy peas in the North? I would have thought so.
We most certainly do, and loads of gravy on our chips to go with it.
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B00 ...

There's no need to get all weird on me !!

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Vibe ... mine was full of smiles when I read it !!

china in, cardboard out

why does that sound so wrong?????

gravy on chips is never ever acceptable
urgh gravy on chips?? I prefer an eyewatering amount of salt & vinegar on mine
I can't drink a large cup of coffee if I sit in Starbucks but I can drink a large coffee in a take out cardboard cup.... I'm sure it must be the same amount. Weird.
Maybe that's because you'd had a massive cup of tea 15 minutes before with your full english?
Oh yeah... I hadn't actually thought of that....

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cardboard coffee

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