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joggerjayne | 08:44 Tue 02nd Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
... and then the Winter Olympics will be under way, and I won't mention them ANY MORE.


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(cripes, that is just SO not true!)
I rekon you will hold back for at least 5 minutes?
-- answer removed --
"and I won't mention them ANY MORE."

Do you promise?......well do ya?
cripes, that is just SO not true!)

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No_Kno ...

Amanda is not free, no. Her Appeal could take many months.

Whilst I am trying to resist too many "Knoxy" threads, I will not give up on Amanda until she walks free.

Now that the Prosecutor who "prepared" Amanda's case has been convicted of Corruption, Abuse of Power, Fabricating Evidence, and Giving False Information to the Media, Amanda's eventual freedom seems pretty certain.

Yes ... everything you have ever read in the Press about Amanda came from a Prosecutor who has been convicted of lying to the Press.

I have made another donation to Amanda's Defence Fund. If I had won the Lottery, I would just send the a couple of million so that they were covered. However, we can only do what we can do.

But ... I don't think I'm "fickle"
im glad you have a passion for freeing a knox jj im glad it makes you happy and thanks for the useful ifo about the winter olympics
but For Funks Sake

get the bloody kettle on will you im parched !!!!!
"thanks for the useful ifo about the winter olympics" ?????????????????

zzxxee, you havin' a giraffe?.......what's useful in JJ's countdown to the winter borelympics ( sorry....olympics.....LOL )....apart from the soothing factor it puts me to sleep...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Hi szexey

Yogi does this funny thing where he pretends he's not excited about the Winter Olympics.

It's just his little joke.

cos it means i have the perfect excuse not to excersise
watching people ski
i can say right im up for that
look out of the window oh poo no snow oh poo no slopes
oh well back to cakes and lattes
but the thought was there !!!!"

I'm lining up you're derriere for such a big bite, sweetheart...................playful, of course...LOL

( Did you read that Pamela Anderson may be looking around the Brighton area for a home?......what, her and Katie Price?........oh gawd! )
i like pammie i think shes funny !!!!!
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Pammy? That would be jolly. Was it in the A r s e g a s ?

I must make sure I join ALL the gyms in the area. If I get to know her, I might get invited to her parties. Although ... she'd probably have a private gym at home.
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zzxxee ... watching it on telly is much safer, LOL

But I'm off skiing .... on ....... ......

..... ............ ....... ...THURSDAY .... Yaaaaayyyy !!!!!
ohhhh you brave person just the thought terrifies me!!!!
Question Author
The only thing that terrifies me is getting into a ski race with my pal ...

... the one to whom I refer as "Thing 2"

I know I shouldn't, and I've never beaten her ... but I just know, somehow ...

... after a few lunchtime gluweins, I will be off like a rocket, chasing T2's snow spray down the black run ...

... and scaring the poop out of myself.

I've already Googled the number of the Austrian paramedics!

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