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Now the law has been passed you can have a Funeral Pyre...

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Bobbisox | 17:03 Thu 11th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
How many of you will be burning yer old man/woman in the back garden to save on the funeral expenses ?
Bobbi ♥


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pollution of ground?.....aren't trees made of wood.....
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i want a viking one, stick me on a boat and set me on fire

so what is the best and least polluting way to be disposed of them>
Soory bobbi(to be picky).
The law hasn't actually been "passed".
The judges have said that the present laws allow for such a cremation.The whole sticking point was over the interpretation of the law.
It's odd really,because you have always been able to bury a deceased's body in your own ground(if big enough0.
The law only required that the corpse was a certain distance from a public highway,and tha the body would not contaminate a waterway.
Oh,and of course the body has to dead! LOL
I'm being cremated in a basket-weave coffin........
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yes....then I can smile at you or do rudies all day long....
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have you got gold teef crafty?

bags them ones if you do

my trinkets will be better than your :-P
er no sorry fluff.........they're like...........enamel.
Does that mean you are a basket case?LOL
Blimey, funeral pyres here ..what-the-inclinedrailway ?!
The smell of burning human corpses is something I'll never forget...nasty.
worse of all is that over here in Ibiza, they slide bodies into niches in the walls, and then cannot be reopened til 5yrs after it has all rotted away, get me out of here!!!
lol Mr V.....that's the premise the daughter is working on.........well that or a euthanasia barbe...........
This is a dis Q .

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Now the law has been passed you can have a Funeral Pyre...

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