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cupid04 | 15:14 Sat 13th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
what have you bought your partner for valentines day?


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yep zzxxee...and hes just foned to say he'll be late home cos old lady has made them summit to eat and they cant say no.....I could hear her in the background...she's 83 apparently....hope hes got room for two meals tonight.. pmsl :-))
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duck, with all the trimmings and afters perhaps if he has enough room!
Very nice!
did you shoot it with your little bow and arrow?
Mrs Slapshot will get a nice card and a dozen red roses, though I'm on nights I'll get up and make her brekky in the morning, scrambles eggs and smoked salmon.... then she can bog off to work and let me get some kip... ;-)
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Slap! Well done you, she'll really appreciate that!
Hope you're kidding zacs! lol!
As our anniversary is later this month, we tend to concentrate on that rather than St Valentines day..........
A card and a Bob The Builder Chocolate tool kit...(!)
I am not celebrating Valentines day

A. Because I am single, and

B. Because..... well, just because.

I am, however, cooking Pork in Cider (gosh, I'm so going to regret that revelation) with which I will serve plenty copious amounts of vino. :-)))

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