It isn't just Islam that hates freedom. Do you think the catholic and Protestant churches gave up their rule over us willingly. Power was taken by the people in this land, not given up by the church. And they haven't given up all their power, they still have Bishops in the Lords to meddle if they want to.
All theocracies do not like democracy because they lose their power. We are fortunate, because we have chosen democracy over religious blind faith. I believe that was the result of universal education. It is no coincidence that religion thrives in countries with poor education and literacy, be it the muslims in the middle east or the christians in south America.
I agree that passing laws that take away our freedoms is doing the religious inspired terrorists job for them.
The big mistake you make Geezer is referring to Islam as a single bad thing. There are many versions of islam most of which are harmless to you and me. You prefer to take the most extreme version, and tar all muslims with the same brush. To decide all muslims, even the man in the cornershop, are potential terrorists because they are muslim, is hysteric and just as backward as the religious extremist who believe all non believers can be killed.