Oh god
samantha sarsons used to adverise vinegar on tv as thamantha tharsonth
yeah OK it was 1962 and the product was Sarsons vinegar
grandchildren and other 7 year olds lose their deciduoous ( = they fall out)incisors ( the ones at the front) at er age 7
god I dont believe I am writing this - ( cries of doo day from collected ABers)
and they then lisp - which I have written lithp - see line 1
god have any ABers passed secondary skool?
and davebro has bunked
ynni ( interruptando) what dat den?
davebro has gone, shoe-d, resigned, got fed up
and I was imaging little heart broken seven year olds waving their tear stained hankies as he stomps off into the sunset and oblivion
hey did you spot sundry mods saying " I aint done narfin!" ?
do you realise I am missing q of sport to write this?