First of all, not all pensioners who will get their care paid for by the state are benefit scroungers. Many have paid taxes all their lives, but been in low paid jobs and lived in Council housing. Anyone with over £16,000 savings or assets in their old age, will fail to qualify for many benefits. Do you not think benefits should be means tested, and anyone who does not need them, should not get them?
Also, when you started to pay your taxes 50 years ago, did you really expect the state to care for you in your old age? Back then, families looked after their parents and grandparents in their old age. Now, people have busy lives and care of old people has been abdicated to the state. There were homes for the elderly, but only for those who could afford them. Now, everyone expects it, and expects the state to provide it.
There have always been the workshy. Do you advocated just letting them die when they get old and cannot care for themselves, because they haven't paid their taxes?