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off work on ssp?

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donna1901 | 10:06 Wed 24th Feb 2010 | Jobs
1 Answers
Hi all, i am off work sick on work related stress¬
Top and botom of it is i am carer and on a 0hours contract. been there 5 years and they have been messing my hours up sending me bk and forth etc. changing rotas daily instead of once a week. someone dropping it off at my home every day. calls left right and centre to change calls.
In the end i had enough i broke down.
4weeks off now and another 6 prescribed by the doctor.
When i feel ready to go back can i drop my hours to a few days a week?


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Maybe it is best for both parties to think in terms of parting since they seem to be treating staff in an unreasonable manner and in turn you seem to feel that long-term fitness for work is something that the employee can assess, rather than a medically-qualified person.

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off work on ssp?

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