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has anyone listened to Old Mrs Galloway wind ups on youtube?

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Bobbisox | 15:21 Wed 24th Feb 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Absoultley hilarious, I'm going to copy them to my ipod they are so funny


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no, who is she
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go on you tube and type in Old Mrs Galloway steg
this is one of my favourite wind ups

. Enter URL
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brilliant to have that !
That's Dundee all over that is!!!
they are on real radio every morning at 8.15 a.m.
Hi bobbi i listen to the show sometimes and love mrs galloway,and HB Brocklebank fash merchant,and the windups are classic
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I only heard them when I went up to Scotland, the driver played the CD we were in stitches

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has anyone listened to Old Mrs Galloway wind ups on youtube?

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