No fabioburke, you make a point in what you say, but.......
I was replying to R1Geezer's original post, asking why it's important for Nigerian muslims that folk in the west follow their beliefs.
No one, in my opinion, tries to convert and push their ideas, as much as the JW's do - unless it's the Mormons.
Cristianity's broken down into many different groups, each with their own interpretation of the bible, and wars and terrorist activities DO happen in this day and age because of it - such as in northern Ireland at the time of the Troubles, and the recent bombing in Spain.
So my point is, that although we don't have anything quite as bad as the Islamic fanatics, we DO have atrocities going off under the umbrella of "Christianity", and the more fervent the ideals, the more chance of "barbaric" practices going off within the smaller, but growing fractions. The whole religious thing's also a disguise for politics as well, and it's a pity that folk have to be indoctrinated from birth that any one particular faith is the right one.
It just seems to me that some of the religious leaders are lacking in common sense. All it'd take, is for people of different faiths to agree to differ, but on a sensible level. Unfortunately - dare I say it - that all commonly-followed religions are headed by men?