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So much for our special relationship.

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anotheoldgit | 13:39 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | News
16 Answers

The US is cocking a snoot at Britain over the Falklands, what's happened to the special relationship we are supposed to have with the US, or does it only work one way?

To see Hillary Clinton buttering up to Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez, makes me sick.

What is needed is Maggi Thatcher in her younger days, she would soon sort these two out.


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they might want to watch and learn!
The Iron Lady - but there's been no Iron Man, except for Robert Downey Jr - and he's Amercian.
Nigel Ironside?
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An Iron on the side is not good enough Booldawg, we need an Iron Man.
Hilary Clinton and Cristina Fernandez are friends. Don't mistake the Mail's scaremongering upset you.
OK seadragon, Jeremy Irons - my final offer.
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God help this Country!
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/// Hilary Clinton and Cristina Fernandez are friends ///.

Any proof of this Gromit?

/// Don't mistake the Mail's scaremongering upset you.///

What about the Telegraph then Gromit?


/// Hillary Clinton’s dire performance in Buenos Aires was not only an appalling display of appeasement towards a corrupt and authoritarian anti-American regime, which barely has the support of 20 percent of the Argentinian people. It was also an astonishing betrayal of the United Kingdom by her closest ally, and yet another slap in the face for Britain from the Obama administration. ///
This special relationship stuff is tiresome.

We have similar cultures and economies and therefore similar interests. So we often want the same thing and end up allied to each other.

That's not the same as doing favours willy nilly, on a tit for tat basis. If that's what we've been doing up until now, then more fool us. It's certainly not something to slate the US for.
// Mrs Clinton made a brief trip to the Argentine capital to meet the Argentine president, a personal friend of the Clintons, at the beginning of a week-long tour of Latin America. //

America's only special relationship is with Israel (and perhaps, in a minor way, one with Taiwan). There is no special relationship with Britain. This is a British delusion.
Maybe we should take up a special relationship with Cuba?
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So much for our special relationship.

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