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02 pay & go - where to BUY

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evedawn | 20:07 Thu 04th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
need to get fairly smartish an 02 pay and go sim. where can i buy one.? is it ONLY 02 shops or will other shops have it?


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carphone warehouse
asda have them for £1 and so do most shops, try a local paper shop, i've a load here as my kids keep ordering the free ones inline!
Question Author
ok thanks v much....X
I ordered a sim off 02 by phone, it was free ;)
If you go onto the o2 site, it's 10p for a sim and free next day delivery.
Hi eve just bought my son a 02 phone from argos
Question Author
thanks - it's only the sim.. i think i'll pop down to argos tomorrow.

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02 pay & go - where to BUY

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