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♪♪♪I had the time of my life♪♪♪

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Bobbisox | 16:37 Mon 08th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
When did you last have the ♪time of your life♪
For me it was my 60th Birthday
Bobbi ♥


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Tell us more pericat. Two into one eh ! lol
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what has become of me friend peri, Lady of the Emerald
she was a sweet innocent wee colleen to be sure, now she's a harlot in scarlet..
but I luv her
I am as pure as the driven snow !!
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catch you laters, away to make tea as they say oop Norf
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Aye pet, when slush sets in,,lol
only kidding ♥♥♥
The first time my b'f and it on together.
see told you she's a trollop!
Mine was my 60th too.Went to this chinese place and at the other table this lady was presented with an ice sculpture full of fruit. and the chinese girls in there way sang happy birthday. I turned and said to my 2 kids (if you ever did thast to me I would kill you) Guess what happened about 5 mins later,

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♪♪♪I had the time of my life♪♪♪

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