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What to eat when your appetite is not brilliant ?

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VespeR007 | 19:49 Sun 07th Mar 2010 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
Im hungry, sort of, well my tummy is rumbling away, but i feel sick....have a cold and felt off colour all day, but i dont fancy what to have ???


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sounds like you should go out to eat!....why dont yu have more in the cupboard?....gotta get some grub inside of u....then you will feel like eating more! youre cold too eh?
er...try pasta with cheese grated on it....quick and easy, warming too.
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Thanks all for your fantasstic answers ! Well, I had eggs in but just couldnt stomach an egg, I ended up having some grated apple with sugar on! I was given that as a kid when I was poorly and it was quite refreshing and nice...also used to have hot buttered toast with sugar on as a child....

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