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so macho.

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cupid04 | 13:50 Fri 12th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
my beloved sometimes rings me from work, but refuses to say i love you at the end o f the call if someone else is in the office with him . why do grown men still act like embarrassed schoolboys?


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My boyfriend never says it on the phone...if he alone or not. He barely even says goodbye and he phones me twice a day.
We are not all like that I hold hands and kiss my wife in public and tell her I love her and we have been married 39 years
He holds my hand, kisses and cuddles me in public and tells me he loves me all the time....just not on the phone.
what a sweet person you are milliezoe, we hold hands when we go out but I just know we love eachother anyway
I'm with most of your other halves i'm afraid. I'm not a touchy feely person nor do i like lovely dovey words said on a daily basis. To be brutally honest i'd throw up if someone said they loved me on daily basis.
he-he ummm its a bit like telling a piece of plastic "I love ya"
I don't say it either....unless I know he's in the work van and it makes him feel awkward...

BOO...I use to be like that but I had no option but to change or just keep getting mad at him for touching me all the time.
Aw come on boo show some affection and be touchy feely what if your other half never came home again lifes too short and if you love someone show it !!!!!
I don't need to show it on a continual basis millie, he knows i love him and vice versa. I think 18 years together is testament to that.

I'd have got mad ummmm, im afraid. like i said can't be doin' with toughy feely crap, only person I really love cuddles from is Mini boo, and she's just like me, will only cuddle when she wants to, and that's not often. Many a times i've said to her "gimme a cuddle" and she either point blank says no or gives me a withering look and says "inna minute!"
god i'd hate that, ireally hate pda's anyway
I used to get mad....In the end he told me that he felt rejected all the time. So we compromised. I don't like being hugged so he doesn't try anymore but as we always sit next to each other on the sofa he rubs my legs or my feet. He's just a touchy person.....I like it now :-)
What's pda's?
Public Displays of Affection
public displays of affection
haha...he's just phoned me. Before he hung up I told him I loved him....his
When my son phones me we always end with love you lots passing on to the next generation PDAs

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so macho.

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