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female sea cadet and prince charles

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mollykins | 08:24 Fri 12th Mar 2010 | News
16 Answers

I think she should have said what kind of club it was ie a night club, so that people might not jump to conclusions and say 'a strip club?'

Plus every time it was mentioned on the news, they referred to her as a female sea cadet or by her name, but its only when you read the first few lines of this report, that if you weren't observant whilst watching the report on the news, you realsie that she's 24, which makes her an instructor. When i saw it on itv, i thought that she couldn't be a cadet as she's wearing and isntructors uniform.


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But most people wouldn't realise that her uniform meant she was an instructor. Were they trying to make the prince look worse in an already awkward situation?
Can't see what her rank has got to do with the story or DOEs gaffe. The fact she is an Instructor and not a Cadet does not lessen the remark.
it wasn't Prince Charles either, of course. I got all over-excited reading your headline.
No it was the Duke of Edinburgh.

But in the scheme of things does it really matter what he said, can't the guy make a humourous remark to an adult female, without the whole world knowing?

Doesn't seem to matter to the lady involved, she seems happy that she is getting plenty of media attention over the matter, so why should it matter to anyone else?
Why are people getting offended on someone elses behalf. As has been said the lass involved found it funny and no offence was taken by her. Realistically whats it got to do with us?

Phil the Greek is a ledgend, and his gaffes are hilarious.
he's not just 'a guy'. He's 'a guy whose wages I pay and it would be nice if he could cut the dirty old man stuff when faced with women a quarter of his age'.
Someone has a chip on their shoulder .
He always has Dolly.

//// He's 'a guy whose wages I pay ///

Chicken feed, what you personally pay him, wouldn't keep him in Greek .Yoghurt.

/// cut the dirty old man stuff ///

Who put you in charge of the moral high ground?
Prince Philip is perfectly free to speak his mind.

The only problem is that his mind is like one of those abandoned western towns with tumbleweed blowing through it.
-- answer removed --
/// Prince Philip is perfectly free to speak his mind.///

When I read this from sp1814 I was most surprised:

But then he had to spoil it with his insulting footnote.

This is always the weapon some use when they wish to sniffle "free speech", ridicule them, insult them, belittle them, and if all else fails be completely rude, which isn't very hard for some.
Incidentally to be correct, a western town doesn't have to be abandoned to have tumble-weed blow through it.
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oops i meant philip not charles.

I didn't say her rank was anything to do with it, but wouldn't it be worse if he had said it to a cadet rather than an instructor?
mollykins, yes it would. The lower down the ranks you are the less you can answer back.

aog, so you think it's ok for old men to ask young women they don't know if they work in strip clubs? Female ABers will take note. (You too, young Dolly!)
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But gromit said 'can't see what her rank has got to do with the story'

But i never mentioned it and the article only says she's an instructor.
yes, mollykins, I am politely agreeing with you and disagreeing with Gromit (and giggling at aog).

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