I had my gall bladder removed last year and have had no problems since then. I was told by my GP and by the hospital doctors that the gall bladder is simply a reservoir for bile. Without it, the bile just drips into your digestive tract instead of being held in the gall bladder and squeezed out after a meal. Other than the slight possibility of a bit of diarrhoea after a fatty meal , I was told that there were no downsides to the op. I perhaps had a couple of episodes of diarrhoea in the first few weeks after the op, but absolutely nothing since.........and, of course, no gallstone pain and no waiting for the next bout.
I certainly do not regret having the op, quite the reverse.
Think about it, who is likely to be both better informed and have your best interests at heart, your neighbour or the doctors who recommended the op for you ?
You neighbour sounds a bit of a pest. If he/she believes what he/she told you, why did they tell you all that guff AFTER you had had the op ? Either tell you before, or keep schtum is what a sensible person would have done.