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if you opened up a bottle and a genie popped out....

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stokemaveric | 22:04 Mon 22nd Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
and granted you the customary 3 wishes what would they be??????????


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Please don;t pick a deaf genie, my mate got a 12inch pianist.
Mine would (sadly) be to do with money:
1) enough money to pay off my mortgage and have a bit left over so I could enjoy reitrement
2) enough money to help the people who've helped me over the years
3) enough money to be able to help the hospice movement, who are almost entirely reliant on donations to carry on the amazing work they do
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the little tinkler............
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lol wizard...........
health ,happiness, safer world for my grandchildren.
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I wish I'd back all the outsiders each way in the Gold Cup.

One of them won at 7/1

One of them was 3rd at lots/1
I asked my genie for a coloured bird with a small tw@t.

I got a parrot perched on Paul Daniels
Wish 1: Some booze, since that was what I was expecting to get when I opened the bottle.

Wish 2: Some more booze.

Wish 3: That the genie's powers be extended so that he can fulfil an infinite number of further wishes from me ;-)
enough money to pay off mortgage
my whole family to always be safe
a cure for all types of cancer
my first wish: my neurofibromatosis plexiforma condition would go away

my second wish: wish me, my family and friends debt free

my third wish: to b happy
Oh sod it, a big win on the lottery and a couple of Wispa bars.
Pannic button, i bought a bar of whisper today, still in my bag :-)
That's impossible Whitebear
I mean owning a Wispa bar for that long and not eating it.

A mate of mine at college could buy a bar of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, eat half and put the rest in his drawer for tomorrow.

That he make my youngest daughter happy again so that she won't take another overdose.

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if you opened up a bottle and a genie popped out....

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