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Hi Ed
Thanks for your earlier post. I didn’t appreciate you had such fundamental tech problems to deal with.
Here are the issues as I see them in a logical order in the sense of the ‘bounced user experience’:
I have 3 reasons for posting
1. useful factual answer or thought provoking exchange of ideas
2. entertain/amuse other ABers
3. push back on anything untrue, unfair to another poster, bigoted or assumptive
This means that it’s a bit of a shock to be suddenly locked out.
I often get satirical, cheeky, annoyed and it’s difficult to know for sure where the ‘line’ is for being ‘abusive’ or ‘objectionable’. If the system is ‘clunky’ and one believes one’s posts are no worse than others, there is always the unnerving thought one’s been kicked out by a technical glitch.
I understand there are technical issues regarding ‘a warning’ but as an illustration, if a post triggering the system was obscured by a ‘Yellow Card’ it would signal that one is crossing the line and another transgression would mean suspension.