in the last few days I have started receiving unwanted e-mails, one in particular is headed 'male organ enlargement' and I am getting two a day!!! How can I make it stop?
In both Outlook and Outlook Express there is a filter that enables you to permanently delete messages from a specified email address/containing specified words in the message etc etc so you will no longer see the offending item.In Outlook it is under Organise then Rules Wizard. The spammers are very clever though and you can report them. So, what's that about male organ enlargement?
Let me get this straight... you're getting two enlarged male organs a day, and you want it to stop? Sorry, couldn't resist it. Download MailWasher from
it's free and it lets you view who the emails are from before you download them - or choose not to download them. Nasty business that spam, i used to get offered Viagra all the time...