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The car park in the hospital yesterday ...

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pericat | 11:19 Fri 09th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
2 euro an hour - but the first 10 minutes were free - generous eh?


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lol so i you were there less than 10 minutes you wouldn't pay? how does that work then?
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Dot - it took me ten mins to find a parking space - I tried to work put what would take ten minutes - maybe it's for people doing a tour of car parks
around here its about £1 per hour, but when we went to wales, it was about 20 or 40p per hour
you can get a vasectomy done in 10 mins nowadays.....
i can do it quicker stokey

and Boo's dab handy with a pair of bricks...
lol mccfluff the very thought brings tears to my eyes.....
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Ah bless stokeM - no need to cry over my day yesterday - I'll be fine ;-)
I had a badly infected cyst on my neck a couple of weeks ago ...
It grew and grew and laughed at the antibiotics ...
So after 2nd set of tablets was sent to Southampton and told not to drive ...
£90 return taxi fare - strike one
Sent away with more pills ..
back again - £90 strike two ..
sent away with more pills ...
back again - £90 strike three ...
cyst now size of a free range chicken egg ...they operated under a local and kept me in for 3 nights ....
wife visits me every day , she does not drive another 3 trips at £90 a pop ...
Return visit again last Tuesday ..told not to drive (drugs make me sleepy) ...

So ...drum roll total = £630 ...oh well ...the car park now does look cheap ...

Either way ...when it's your health ...cost don't come in to it ...
I did a total of what the cyst cost ...with taxi + prescriptions + odds and ends out at £700 ....bloody expensive painful event ....
but they confirmed it was only a cyst and not cancer in anyway ...and oh boy that news was worth the money ....

In my opinion
Hospital car parks should be free !
Remember when my mum was hours from death and I drove to the hospital and parked and did not have change for the car park ...
stuff the meter ..I just left the car without a ticket and went to the ward.
She passed away that day and when I returned to the car I had a ticket.
My wife took the ticket and dealt with it and paid the fine ...
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It does put everything into perspective sirRandy - I did just wonder what you could do for 10 mins ?
Drop someone off or pick someone up...
if you needed to pick someone up but carry a load of their stuff for them, meaning you woul have to leave your car, that would take 10 minutes.
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That would take about half an hour in this hospital and it's scattered all over the place
Our local hospital allows first 20 minutes free. Gives plenty of time to drop someone off and take them to their appointment. Collect them later when they call and get another 20 minute freebie.

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The car park in the hospital yesterday ...

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