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ummmm | 13:47 Sun 11th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
We've got our tickets to Glastonbury....£190 each but it's gonna be worth it.

Bring on the (joking)


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Wow.... have a muddy welly for us!
Question Author
Bigfoot.....this is what appeared..

You don't have permission to access /wp-content/uploads/2008/03/1205184005_hippie
on this server.
Apache/1.3.42 Server at Port 80
Its steve.5 and his damage of the internet! Ill look into it!
Ive just clicked it and its fine, can anyone else not see my link?
Question Author
Yes....we'll blame Steve :-)

It says forbidden. Makes me want to see it more....!!!!
Yup mine also says "forbidden content on this server" - is it rude?
Question Author
Yeah they worked :-))))

I can't wait. There's only 4 of us going but it's me and three men..!!!
Have you been before? Also how on earth do you find your tent at nightime?
Question Author
I haven't but OH has been going for years.....It's started to filter out now as friends are getting married and having babies etc.....So thought I'd join this year. Looking forward to it now....but not looking forward to OH getting trollied everyday.....
Question Author
Tent at night time.....that's the boys job :-)
Join in and let your hair down ummm, you can pretend your teenagers again!
-- answer removed --
No vibrashere it will be tripping in the swirling muticoloured field with all the fairies and munchkins flying around
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Yay Vibes.... :-)

Bigfoot....I'm not old yet ..!!
In that case pretend it was a couple of years back!
Question Author
When I was in my
Hope the weather stays fine for you ummmm and don't forget the wet wipes(essential kit)

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