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When someone says to you .....

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pericat | 14:49 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
How big exactly is 12 ft x 14 ft - how do you answer ?


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Impressive :-)
big for a greenhouse, small for a proper house.
168 square feet.
you can guess my answer....
I explain its the same size as my new flat screen tv, snooker table or jacuzzi and then everyone understands immediately.
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all together bigfoot ?
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I am having a day of reasonably brain dead and stupid people on the phone - I need fluffy to visit and deal with it - oh and bring more yum yums
i don;t think anyone whould phone again if you let me answer....

but i can do the yum yums, i feel a visit to M&s on the way home is in order
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I also feel like pineapple but according to another thread I may not be able to have some :-((
Mmm Pie"n'Apple
the silly mare means a grapefruit.
Can you grow them in a greenhouse?
You feel like a pineapple? What does that feel like pericat?
prickly until peeled, then juicy.
Question Author
sort of prickly and yellowy factor - definitely infectious
she's round and spikey factor...
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you do have an art salla !
I also have a (f)art brewing.... will that be as colourful do you think?
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behave or I'll set my cat on you mwhahahahah
That is one scary thought - I've only just disposed of the last one who stared at me like that one ;-)

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When someone says to you .....

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