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BBBE99 | 15:11 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
How dramatic was that? Anyway, I have went about three weeks without answerbank (Except for the question(s) I answered just now). I am glad to be back, I have a very fussy keyboard.
Hope you all had a nice Easter, I did. Got ill. Got well. Got bored. All that.

Just thought I'd say hi.

Have I missed anything?


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was he? aww I went to bed before that, he was on fine
He is a banned user BB. When the ED realised this he was removed. All his answers went with him.
yes I know he's banned cass, as I said last night, I have heard a hell of a lot worse on here...but thats an old
Bobbi I know thay you know he is banned, but I was talking to bigbrain. lol. this is getting complicated.
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I heard he came back as someone else, but no one seems to have properly mentioned it yet.
NoK was on this morning...
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As who?
Or was it NoK
Or NoKnowledge?
What did they do to get removed?
Under another user name, which has now been deleted...
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Is that all that bad?

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