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What would you do if Gordon Brown tried to shake your hand ?

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smurfchops | 18:05 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
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Shake it?

I might not like the guy personally, but it wouldn't stop me being polite.
Give his protection team something to do.........
As with Boobies.... I have to shake hands with lots of people I don't like particularly but it's poor manners not to be civil.
count my rings and check my watch
same as B00 I wouldnt like to be ignorant. Shaking his hand doesnt mean you have to vote for him.
It would depend upon the circumstances. If I met him socially I'd shake his hand, but if he was touting for votes I wouldn't. It would be impolite to disillusion him.
Hi smurfchops

If anyone offers me there hand, regardless who they are, I'll shake it, as only right and proper to do. :0)
smile and shake his hand, then cuss him within earshot
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cass make sure the microphone is off.
-- answer removed --
You're it stinky lips!
I'd put a rubber glove on first, then take it off and set fire to it afterwards so's he could see.
I'd point to my bunting
Dirty beggar boxy
vomit !!!
I'd shake his hand I couldn't be rude and embarrass him however much I don't care for him.
I bet he'd simper at my bunting, this new grinning man of the people is sooo false. I'll get him a Kendo Nagasaki mask, Buenchico showed me a good 'un the other night.
No I wouldn't, rude or not. A friend of mine was at the brunt end of his barging past, when he was chancellor...Not only that, I cant stand the man and I cant be doing with being a hypocrite.
There are worse people who could try to shake your hand.

The Pope's coming to the UK in September.
I'm usually very polite, but sorry, could not shake his hand!............Not a hypocrite!.........Unlike him!....................

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