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Peat-free compost

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lucca | 23:29 Wed 28th Apr 2010 | Gardening
7 Answers
What are the benefits (if any) of peat-free compost over ordinary potting compost? Is one better than the other for particular gardening projects? TIA.


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the only benefit is that it is better for the environment as our peatlands are getting used up. If you plant doesn't need an acid soil then I reckon that a soil based mix is better eg John Innes 3. Its heavier in the pot so the pot is less likely to blow over, holds water better and lasts longer without souring. take a look at the JI seed and cutting composts too, if not peat free they certainly have less in them than the more modern formulations.
Be careful if you use one of the coir based composts as the smell can be attractive to dogs who eat it with dire results, dogs have been killed by it.
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Many thanks woofgang. V clear explanation.
there are many benefits to peat free composts other than environmental if used correctly and if you purchase a good one. Some, especially those with wood fibre are very light and have excellent water holding properties which makes re-wetting and nutrient availability better than peat based. I used peat free growbags last year for tomatoes and had far better success than the peat ones. Others such as ones using green waste are also very good as has been proved by several Which? reports.

woofgang - I think you may be confusing coir with coco mulch as it is coco that is toxic to dogs. Coir comes from coconut husks which I dont think is toxic to dogs.
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Thanks for your answer, Hawkwalk. I'll try it with my tomato plants - I'm usually rubbish with them.
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p.s. I like your cat!
not my cat - victory to the fighting mouse!! keeps the cats out of my garden
i forgot the cocoa one thanks for mentioning it. The coir is a problem because of the strong fibrous content, long bits can obstruct the gut if swallowed.

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Peat-free compost

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