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it appears it was a 'NO' folks and I have to abide by that decision

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Bobbisox | 08:56 Fri 30th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I could go further and bang me gums about something else but obviously the ED has made it final, so I won't be bothering, I will be going out most of the day,



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With a bit more 'personal comment', though, Vibes ;o)
must be tough seeing themselves in a 'deleted scene', I suppose, but the studio's decision is final.
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Morning Joy - I missed your post last night about bringing No-Knowledge back - but I agree - he has done his time, now let him rejoin. I saw the 'Computer said Noooo'

I don't know why he was banned in the first place, but surely it could'nt be that bad.
it was Den................blood, guts.............. arms, legs everywhere...................and lots and lots of tears, enough to fill an Olympic swimming was great

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it appears it was a 'NO' folks and I have to abide by that decision

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