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Bbbananas | 10:31 Fri 30th Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I got mcfluff's audio mail.....
Good Lord Man - was that real?!!!!!


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You must have been well out of breath (both orifices) after that performance....?
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My NHS one has 'filters for my protection' !!!!!!!

I spend all day looking at and writing about bums, pus, breasts, herniae, piles, rectums and vaginas, and they filter out the sound of a fart.... honestly!
I also emailed said 'sound' to someone within the NHS and their IT dept. removed it...
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That sounds ominous - is Big Brother watching me now?
Gawd blimey - sacked for taking possession of fart sound effects...
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''That sounds ominous''

What? That parts of the NHS are actually working ;-p
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yeah - the censorship department....!
we've been havong a fart morning i've just played it to my boss, he thinks we're wrong
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In the head like?!!!
The person I tried to unsuccessfully email the file to, told me later on that she thought both vibra and myself were frankly 'wrong in the head'....
was it better than this?
or even this lol Enter URL
just "plain wrong like a wrong thing on a wrong day"
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Vibra's were more potent than all those put together. If anyone had been near him with a lighter, the whole county would have gone up.....
just as well it was a audio file then and not a scratch and sniff

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