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Just found out that....

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Bbbananas | 07:31 Wed 05th May 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
a stool pigeon is not a euphemism for a bird that cr@ps on your head....


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I can't laugh without pain at this hour - you've hurt me bad!
Question Author
Oh Lord - how many pussy's can a girl have? At least this latest shot isn't so scary.....!
I have 2 pussys salla with many pics of each is different poses - I call this one max - he is a big softy and would go out of his way to make you welcome. Admit it - you love him really
AAh he's lovely - I wondered what you were talking about, I could only see a necklace until I refreshed!
ha ha this is the pussy post
Question Author
No it bl00dy isn't - it's a pigeon post .... STOOL pigeon is a euphemism for a bird that SITS on your head.
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Would you like me to be your stool pigeon sqadlet? x
He could do with a bit of Queening salla ! :-) me, you have always been someone to look up to and with you on my head, I would certainly do that.;-)
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I shall be your bejewelled throne x

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Just found out that....

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