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27th Jan 2006

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4getmenot | 20:56 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
As requested a post from jan 06

A lesbian fancies other girls, a gay man other men, Hetrosexuals fancy opposite sex and Bi-sexuals go for both. But does anyone know of any people that just dont fancy anyone, dont get turned on by people in general and what are they called??

This is going to be no good as I know the answer now


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I'll start with 'asexual'
They're called bobjugs. I don't believe in love or sex. I prefer my own company with a selection of steam train videos and a nice mug of ovaltine
Question Author
prudie wins, although alot of people before answered cliff richard
I think Cliff Richard is actually a better answer
worms are asexual if I remember my biology right
and I reckon Bobj tells porkies, .......... a robot?
Well i was going to start with Wendy's husband but thought it too mean
now now bob, is is really steam train videos or is it "thomas the tank"?
Prudie is right,
We have a friend who was one of the best friends of Larry Grayson.
Now,you might imagine as dear Larry was so camp that he was gay,how wrong can you be.
According to our friend he just wasn't interested in (or attracted to) anyone sexually.
In fact one day he got an involuntary errection and was terribly worried by it,so much so that he went to the (luckily sympathetic) GP as to make it go away!
So there are indeed many "asexual" persons out there.
If you think women are asexual you have been reading the worng book! LOL
Oh,I see Dot,
I think you are talking about reproduction,whereas 4getmenot is talking about sexuality.
Anne Widdecombe.x
Sorry Katie,
but Anne Widdecombe is just plain non~sexual.
She is like a cross between a strict nanny, a *** and a traffic warden.
Oh dear I think I may just have described some men's perfect woman.
I always assumed she as a Lesbian?
Missing word:~
D*I*K*E,quite why that is offensive to AB I don't know?

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Do you know the answer?

27th Jan 2006

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