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A Parallel life.

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Garmard | 14:46 Sat 08th May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
If you could live another life but still retain your own mind what would you do and where would you live and with whom? Lover's long-gone etc.


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There's no regrets. No tears
to cry.
Sorry,but I would rather stay in this life.
I have only had one love,and still have.
I am 99% happy with my own life.

The other 1% is a desire to live with Silvia Saint for some reason.

I'm really enjoying the one I'm living right now.
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Hmmm! I thought this would be an interesting psychological experiment?
There was someone in my life a long time ago but he died, we were friends and it would not have been possible to take it any further. He was one of those people who made you smile from the heart if you know what I mean. Now I can't remember what he looked like, but I remember the feeling of happiness.
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I had the same experience with a lady i knew many years ago,,,,,Still think about her and after all (25) years i can still remember her face quite clear.

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A Parallel life.

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