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taking id into work?

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prendi | 21:37 Sun 09th May 2010 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
we have all recently been told that we have to take our national insurance number and photo id into work to prove that we are allowed to work in this country .I believe it is the governments' idea,any one else been asked to do this??


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Your company seem to be rather slow in falling into line with the law. The requirement to check the eligibility of employees to work in this country came into effect on 29 February 2008. Since it was actually included in the provisions of the Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality Act 2006 most employers had carried out the checks well before that date.

I have had to ask new employees to provide this ino for the last few years and i had to do the same when i started my new job last ictober, it's not new legislation
Infact it is illegal to tale anyone on without seeing the evidence of their identity and keeping a copy of it

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taking id into work?

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