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zzxxee | 12:16 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
my partner has now left his job and as from today has gone self employed all exciting but scary at the same time hes taking a risk but has my full support whats the biggest RISK you have ever taken and did it pay off??


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Ok zzxxee....thanks, honey...will check it soon....just making myself some lunch......cheese, tomato and ham toastie, small salad, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. xx
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sounds yummy ive just had some cheese on toast and a big mug of tea
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but im common i call it dinner no lunch as you posh lot do lol
Hi zzxxee, good luck to your OH. Hope it goes well for him.

I suppose the biggest risk I took was deciding to come home from Australia on my own when I was 15. My family emigrated when I was 13 and I never really settled down and when an Aunt offered to pay my fare back for me I said yes. Got a job and paid her back. Rest of the family eventually came back but I didn't see my Mum and Dad for 4 years.
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hi jan gosh that was a big risk x
I wish your partner all the very best with it. My husband did the same this time last year and set up a small business with his team - mates after they were made redundant. So far it's going well. Never any guarantees for the future but if they can make a go of it in this economic climate hopefully that bodes well for the future.

The biggest risk I've taken was getting together with my husband in the first place. When me met he was going out with his sister's best friend and my best friend fancied him as well.We had to decide if us being together was worth hurting all these people - turns out it was!

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