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The you believe in it, what or who would you like to come back as?

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Bobbisox | 13:17 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
The sillier and dafter the better..LOL
a bit of light relief after the shhhh, you know who


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Nope.......but if i do know some people who claim to have been here before.......some are very odd indeed......high priestresses, witches, even one of Richard The Lionhearts men?....What The Funicular........i would come back as The Invisible Man, and go around AB massaging all the lovely ladies bits and pieces...... and blame it on bobjugs :0)
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BOO I did, you are sooo funny y'

now c'mon sqad you know how puritanical those Saudis
<another thread maybe...No I ain't a>
JJ...fat, middle aged, married...........just the type.

No, I take that're right...Harvey Nics it is.
I'd come back as Peter North's GF then !!

(it would save having to send out for take aways, ha ha ha ha ha)

TTG ... I saw somewhere that you had a fantasy about being married to Sylvia Saint, or something.
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so you mean we could sit at our lappys and just
feel the lurveeeeeee
bobjugs is a gent yogi where as your just a sexpest !!!!!
LOL at Yogi the sex pest
Does anyone want to come back as Mr.V........
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"bobjugs is a gent yogi where as your just a sexpest !!!!!"

Proof pleeeesseeeeeee......tut! sexpest? bobjugs is just an ultra smoothie, with a motive.......he is cool though and i like him a he's a chancer :0)
Yummy mummy time........ermmmmmm, ooops...... i mean school - run time :0)

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The you believe in it, what or who would you like to come back as?

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