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The Mr V Obsession?

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Garmard | 12:20 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Do we have to keep talking about Mr V now?


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Ed, mr V has Bipolar, he is not mental or unwell. Good taste is something different and should be in all of us!
Garmard I'm not stealing the thread just answering red,

Red it is a tough call with kids shoes, if they wore them the first day on the swings say and dragged the toes across concrete (leather will always come off worst) then probably not, but if it is normal 2 hour wear and tear there should be no problem
has the shoeshop a measuring (not just fitting) service, as i they have and the child was measured accurately and the ensueing scuffing on first wear is beacuse the shoes are ill fitting and causing an unnatural walking gait then the shop is at fault.

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