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Betty Driver / Betty Turpin...

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Bbbananas | 15:50 Tue 11th May 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
91 ?
You gotta be kidding. I hope I look as good as her when I'm 91.
Good girl.


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Meant to say 90 - but at that age, what's one more year?
I agree - She is absolutely fabulous for her age salla!

I swear working keeps you young, 'specially if you enjoy what you do!

Let's hope she doesn't go downhill when she leaves, only she's not to well at the moment, poor old gal.
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I hope she doesn't go the same way as Maggie Jones.
Get well soon Betty Love xx
Haven't seen any snippets of the BSA, but read in the newspaper that she has pneumonia.
Salla your looking a cracker now for 22 :-)
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Flatterer.... you know darn well I'm 32 xx
hooray for betty has she ever been a main character ???
i always think of her like eastenders tracy doesnt say a lot but you know shes there !!!!
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Hot Pot Queen....

I wonder what happened to 'er Gordon?
do you recon tracy the barmaid in ee will get a lifetime achievement when shes 90?
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For achieving what exactly?
Mime? Looking awkward, hoping someone somewhere someday will give her a goddamn line or two.....?

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