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I've got....

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bobjugs12 | 14:00 Tue 11th May 2010 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
....a mosquito bite on my arrse cheek. It's really itchy and annoying!!

Is it bad manners to scratch your bum at work?


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eurghhhh no-one stand next to snafu....
Question Author
Oi fluff, leave snafu alone. I heard you had skin-AIDs anyway!
LOL, its only contractable via close personal contact. That rules me out! Anyway it was a year ago - they're GONE.
you only made that up cos i rejected you
Question Author
You didn't reject me, I withdrew from the race based on the fact that I couldn't be arrsed
Only if you work with alot of other bums.
yeah yeah

whatever make you feel better

Cleared your cache yet fluffs?
nope and i'm not gonna so there
How about getting someone your really close to, to suck the poison out?!

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