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Time to log off..

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supersuezy24 | 22:04 Wed 12th May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
But before I do..I just wanna say thanks to you all for your advice on my doggy issue today..I really appreciate it all. And you've kept me occupied today and put plenty a smile on my face and distracted me from thinking about the ex and crying which I am very grateful for. Thank you all so so much xxxxx



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Hey SS, i'm off as well. I've got a bar full of drunk squaddies to go and shut. Wish me luck....
Goodnight suezy - but do do something about the dog-man! Sleep well for now, hope your little dog improves in the morning.
De nada x
Key Orderly again, Bob.

Can't say I miss it.
(Or Gate guard)
Duty Junior Albags. A noddy duty that serves no purpose except to annoy people
Agreed! Nitey.
Question Author
Thanks everyone..You're all lovely xxx I'm addicted :)
I found i kept going on facebook and was getting upset seeing him online etc so answerbank is for me :)

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Time to log off..

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