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And i'm back :)

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supersuezy24 | 10:23 Thu 13th May 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
See I told you all I was addicted...that and I need to keep my mind occupied and not think of the ex and cry my eyes out...How are you all this morning?x


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There are lots of folk that talk on other sites too and know each other there, and on FB etc....also e-mail and personally as contact and e-mail and some even have met up and are friends already, so a nice cross-selection.
My friend uses this site now and then. The only other person I know is jackthehat.....

Some of us are planning on meeting up in August at a food fair in Birmingham.
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Aw that's brilliant, am I the only abanker from Ireland?

Pericat's in Dublin. There are another few as well. I was born in Ireland but live in England.
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Aw so cool, are many meeting up at the food fair?
Me, My other half, NoMercy, McFluff, Bobjugs........Merciasound will have a stall.

Anyone else that fancies it....(I don't think we're fussy)
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Thats brilliant :) Good on ya all ..awwww stupid ex creeping into my mind :( another question....!!!
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haha i dunno what to post..aggghhhhhh

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And i'm back :)

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